YouTube Video
This is an example of a video embedded from YouTube. It is a fluid width video object (automatically fills the width available in the parent element). The aspect ratio can be 16:9, 4:3, or any other value.
Vimeo Video
This is an example of a video embedded from Vimeo. It is a fluid width video object (automatically fills the width available in the parent element). The aspect ratio can be 16:9, 4:3, or any other value.
HTML5 Video
This is an example of HTML5 Video. It is a fluid width video object (automatically fills the width available in the parent element) with cross-browser support and Flash fallback. The aspect ratio can be 16:9, 4:3, or any other value.
It is also possible to display all mentioned above types of video in a lightbox overlay. You can test it in the LightBox feature section.